H2-Oh! Water Bowls vs Drinking Fountains: Cat Hydration Battle!


  1. Intro
  2. Round 1: Convenience - Water Bowls vs Drinking Fountains
  3. Round 2: Cleanliness - Water Bowls vs Drinking Fountains
  4. Round 3: Hygiene - Which is Cleaner?
  5. Round 4: Cost Considerations - Initial and Ongoing Expenses
  6. Round 5: Feline Preferences - Do Cats Have a Choice?
  7. The Winner Is... - Summarizing the Hydration Battle
  8. Tips for Encouraging Your Cat to Drink More - Keeping Kitty Hydrated
  9. Conclusion


Amidst a wide-ranging debate, cat owners are torn between the choice of water bowls versus drinking fountains for feline hydration. The question is, which method trumps the other when it comes to keeping your cat well-hydrated? The answer is not as straightforward as one might think since both options have their merits, and it ultimately depends on a host of factors, including convenience, cleanliness, hygiene, cost, and cat preference.

Drinking Fountains

Round 1: Convenience - Water Bowls vs Drinking Fountains

Water bowls may have a slight edge over drinking fountains in terms of convenience, as they are effortless to set up, transport, and refill. However, when compared to drinking fountains, which require installation and tubing to supply the water, the scales tip towards the latter.

Once installed, drinking fountains provide a continuous supply of filtered, flowing water that many cats prefer over stagnant bowl water.

Round 2: Cleanliness - Water Bowls vs Drinking Fountains

When it comes to cleanliness, drinking fountains have the upper hand. The continuous running water in a drinking fountain rinses out bacteria and contaminants from the bowl more effectively than traditional water bowls. Some drinking fountains even come equipped with filtration systems that help keep the water fresh and clean for longer periods of time. Conversely, water bowls necessitate frequent emptying and cleaning to prevent the accumulation of bacteria, a process that may be arduous for some pet owners.

Round 3: Hygiene - Which is Cleaner?

In terms of hygiene, drinking fountains are the clear winner. The flowing water is less likely to harbor bacteria and contaminants. The movement also discourages mosquitoes and the standing water that can form in bowls. Water bowls require frequent changing and cleaning to ensure cleanliness. For the cleanest and freshest water, drinking fountains are the best option for cat hydration.

Round 4: Cost Considerations - Initial and Ongoing Expenses

Regarding cost, water bowls are more affordable in the short term. You can get a basic water bowl for a few dollars. Drinking fountains, on the other hand, start around $20-30 for a basic model and $50-100 for a large multi-pet fountain. However, drinking fountains can save money in the long run since they don't require ongoing purchases of replacement water bowls and bottled water. The filters used in fountains also need occasional replacing depending on usage and water quality in your area.

Round 5: Feline Preferences - Do Cats Have a Choice?

Many cat owners report that their felines seem to prefer drinking fountains. Cats are naturally attracted to running water. Instinct tells them running water is fresh and clean. The burbling sound is also interesting to many cats. That said, some cats are wary of the unfamiliar sounds and sensation of drinking fountains.

If given the choice between a bowl and a fountain, most but not all cats will opt for the fountain according to surveys of cat owners.

The Winner Is... - Summarizing the Hydration Battle

Based on the factors of convenience, hygiene, cost, and cat preference, drinking fountains emerge as the overall winner in the cat hydration battle. While water bowls have some benefits in terms of simplicity and lower cost, drinking fountains provide cleaner, fresher water that is more appealing to most cats. For maximum cat attraction and convenience, a combination of a water bowl and fountain is ideal. The water bowl can provide backup in case the power goes out, and the fountain encourages the cat to drink more. Know more here: Electric Cat Fountains: Ceramic vs Stainless Steel - Which One to Choose?

Tips for Encouraging Your Cat to Drink More - Keeping Kitty Hydrated

To promote your cat's hydration, give them access to multiple sources of water like a fountain and bowl. Place the water in a location away from their food bowl but still easily accessible. Refresh and re-fill water daily to keep it clean and cool. For picky cats that prefer running water, a pet drinking fountain may do the trick to spark their interest in staying hydrated. Keep an eye on your cat's water intake and take them for regular vet checkups to ensure their hydration levels stay in a healthy range.


The cat hydration battle between water bowls and drinking fountains may seem like a contentious issue, but the scales tilt towards drinking fountains in terms of overall benefits for cat health and wellbeing. While water bowls offer convenience and affordability, drinking fountains provide a cleaner, fresher water source that is more appealing to most cats.

Opting for a combination of both a water bowl and a drinking fountain offers the best of both worlds and encourages your cat to drink more. So, keep your cat well-hydrated and happy by providing them with the appropriate water source and maintaining a watchful eye on their hydration levels.

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